Oldham County Land Records (Kentucky)

Oldham County Building Departments develop and enforce building codes to ensure the construction of safe buildings in KY. The Building Department maintains Oldham County land records on design plans for construction and renovation projects in order to enforce building codes. Building Depts also have land records on additions and new construction, current structures on any parcel, property lines, and a property's compliance with Oldham County building codes. Many Building Departments provide online databases to access property history and land records.

Oldham County Planning and Zoning Department La Grange KY 100 West Jefferson Street, Ste 3 40031 502-222-1476 Suggest Edit

Oldham County Town Halls and City Halls are the chief administrative office that runs a town or city in KY. The Town or City Hall maintains records related to the locality, including Oldham County historical land records. These records include Oldham County property taxes, property value assessments, and land transactions, as well as property sales and transfers. Town and City Halls also maintain records on municipal and zoning boundaries. Many Town and City Halls provide online access to their land records.

La Grange City Hall La Grange KY 307 West Jefferson Street 40031 502-222-1433 Suggest Edit

Pewee Valley City Hall Pewee Valley KY 312 Mount Mercy Drive 40056 502-241-8343 Suggest Edit

Oldham County Clerks file documents and preserve municipal records in order to maintain an archive for their municipality in KY. These documents, including Oldham County land records, are open to the public. The Oldham County Clerk's Office contains a number of different types of land records, including registered land, property transactions, real estate excise taxes, and property maps. They also have records on Oldham County land deeds and titles, mortgages, and liens on properties. Many Clerk's Offices make their land records available to the public online.

Oldham County Clerk La Grange KY 100 West Jefferson Street 40031 502-222-0047 Suggest Edit

Oldham County Clerk Crestwood KY 6710 Highway 146 40014 502-241-7621 Suggest Edit

Oldham County Assessors determine the value of properties and parcels in order to assess property taxes in KY. The Assessor's Office maintains current data on every property in the district, including Oldham County land ownership information, maps of property lines, inventories of parcels and structures, and the value of all the land in the jurisdiction. Assessors may also maintain Oldham County land records from on-site inspections and value assessments for construction or improvements. Tax Assessor's Offices make their land and property records available online.

Oldham County Property Valuation La Grange KY 110 West Jefferson Street 40031 502-222-9320 Suggest Edit

Oldham County Recorders of Deeds collect public records, primarily documents related to property, and make them available to the public in KY. The Office of the Recorder of Deeds maintains records on Oldham County land transactions within its jurisdiction, including land and property deeds, mortgages, easements, and tax liens. The office may also contain property and parcel surveys, maps of Oldham County property lines, and data on a property's selling prices and history. Many Recorders of Deeds provide online access to their land records.

Oldham County Recorder of Deeds La Grange KY 100 West Jefferson Street 40031 502-222-9311 Suggest Edit

Oldham County Treasurers and Tax Collectors are responsible for the collection of property tax revenue KY. The Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector maintains current data on every parcel in the district, as well as a number of other types of Oldham County land records. These Oldham County public property records include lists of sold parcels, property tax assessments, defaults on property taxes, and property values. The Treasurer and Tax Collector may also maintain information on Oldham County land auctions and prior liens or foreclosures on a property. Many Treasurers and Tax Collectors provide online databases to access land records.

Oldham County Treasurer's Office La Grange KY 100 West Jefferson Street 40031 502-222-9357 Suggest Edit